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If you can't make a tour and tasting feel free to walk the building yourself and scan the QR codes along the way. They will tell you about the part of the building you are in as well as the history connected to it. Use the links below to explore it yourself at home!

Cincinnati Distilling Tavern


The home of Cincinnati Distilling and the original home of the Kugler Mansion stables. See all of the preserved elements and learn about the history of this space that was built in 1836.

Basement Production Distillery


Explore where the magic happens! We produce our bourbon, whiskey, rum, vodka, gin and more right here in the heart of Old Milford Ohio! Learn about our products, the Cincinnati Distilling process and how we built out this enormous production space

Kugler Mansion Basement


One of the few completely preserved rooms of the original building is the basement. See the original foundation and structure of the house, learn about the history of the space as well as the challenges of building the distillery. Many people say there are tunnels down there. Are there? See for yourself.

Cooper Island Rum Bar


Learn the history of Cooper Island, why we named our rum brand after the British Virgin Island and check out the breathtaking views from the rooftop.

Kugler Mansion Kugler-Waldschmidt Museum


See all of the amazing artifacts that we unearthed while building the distillery as well as a collection of items donated by people showcasing the history of Old Milford. Walk upstairs and see the exposed timber used to build the historical Kugler Mansion. 

Millcroft Gallery


The Millcroft gallery features local, national and international artists and operates independently of Cincinnati Distilling. From this room you can actually see and touch the roof of the Kugler Mansion.

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