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Camp Dennison Reserve Double Oaked Release Event

March 9th 5-8pm // Millcroft Gallery at Cincinnati Distilling

We are doing a very special bottle reservation and release event for our Camp Dennison Reserve Double Oaked Bourbon. This is a limited edition bottle in association with the Daughters of the American Revolution who work hard to preserve the Waldschmidt Homestead in Camp Dennison and educate thousands of visitors a year about the history of the area.


Reservations start today on our website and you can pick up the Double Oaked Bottles starting March 9th at Cincinnati Distilling. Additionally, we are doing a very special showing of our feature length documentary Millcroft: Legends and Spirits alongside a spirits tasting guided by our experts. Tasting tickets are $30 of which we are donating a portion to the DAR to help support their mission. The filming is free to all and runs about 2 hours. It will start at 6pm. You will also have a chance to win a Cincinnati Distilling basket!


5-6pm: Show up, meet the DAR and taste some bourbons. We will have an cash bar as well!

6-8: Documentary will start in the gallery. The bar will remain open and we can do additional tastings in the museum off of the gallery for any late stragglers.


Quick FAQs and facts:


Can I buy a bottle of the Camp Dennison Reserve Double Oaked and not do the tasting and documentary showing? Yes you can just buy the bottle, but we encourage you to support the DAR and check out the hard work we put into this educational and entertaining film.


Can I come watch the documentary and not buy a bottle or do the tasting? Yes, you can just come and watch the documentary. We know there are people out there who may not drink, but might want to learn more about the history of Cincinnati Distilling, Milford and Camp Dennison.


Does it cost money to see the film? No, the film is free, only the bottle and the tasting cost money.


Are the bottle and the tasting different transactions? Yes, the bottle will run through our regular point of sale system and the tasting will go through our tasting and tour system. We know it's strange, but that's the way we have to do it.


Will you have food available? We encourage you to grab dinner at the distillery before the event as we do not have food up in the gallery.


How do you get up to the gallery? If you are looking straight at our building from Mill St. We are on the right hand side in the old stable. You can enter through those doors and you can walk up the stairs at the back of our dining room. If you require an elevator please enter through our Water St. door to the left of the entrance to Nation Kitchen. Take the elevator up to the second floor.


All other info about the bourbon itself is available on the bottle reservation page. To buy your tasting ticket please click tasting experience below and scroll over to 3/9 and you can buy your tickets right here on our website.

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